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How do you choose your office when you are self-employed?

February 22, 2024

Follow our guide and discover all the important criteria for choosing the ideal office as a freelancer.

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To work in the best conditions on a daily basis, it is important to choose an office adapted to your business. As a freelancer, you need a stimulating and dynamic environment to develop your business while thriving on a daily basis. What is the best alternative for setting up in an office without breaking the bank? Flashoffice tells you everything.

The important choice criteria for your workspace

In your journey of freelancer, make the choice of Settle into an office is an important step. The stakes are high: you need to find a place within your budget that provides you with all the ideal conditions to work effectively and to receive your customers if necessary. All located near your home to avoid wasting too much time in transport.

Here is a checklist of important criteria to consider during your search:

  • The work environment: It is a very personal criterion but it is important that you find a work space in which you feel comfortable. You are going to go there every day!
  • Customers: if you need to receive customers as part of your professional activity, choose a space where you can welcome them in the best conditions by booking a meeting room.
  • The budget : renting an office represents a certain budget. Take into account the rent price but also all ancillary costs. Remember that it is also a long-term commitment, so make sure you have sufficient cash flow.
  • The location : if you used to work from home, travel times will change the situation and make your day much shorter. Choose a place close to home.
  • Equipment and furniture : what equipment and furniture are provided on site? Will you need to plan an investment to furnish and equip your future office?

The best workspaces for a self-employed person

Des travailleurs indépendants qui se réunissent dans un espace de coworking

The closed office in coworking

Do you receive a lot of customers or do you work in a profession that requires great confidentiality? Opt for the rental of a closed office in a coworking space. You will thus be able to work in the greatest calm and welcome your customers while enjoying the rest of the time in the common areas. It will be an opportunity to meet and chat with people from all walks of life during your coffee break.

The coworking position

For solopreneurs or Portage employees, The coworking space is a good option to get out of loneliness and to integrate a motivating work environment. You will occupy a position in an open space, alongside other independent workers, with whom you can share and exchange on a daily basis, like colleagues. Do you need to move forward with a quiet case or to make a phone call? These spaces generally include phone boxes or small isolated rooms, to move forward in peace and quiet as soon as necessary. Numerous common areas are also accessible, whether for a meeting, your lunch break or a coffee during the day.

The coworking position maybe:

  • Fixed: you have your assigned position and you can leave your things there.
  • Nomad: you change jobs every day.

Your customer's premises

To avoid working alone at home, you can also offer your customers to visit their premises from time to time. It is an interesting alternative for you because it allows you to be welcomed for free, for the duration of a mission. For the customer, the advantage is to have you on hand, with their teams, which makes exchanges simpler and more fluid. Everyone is a winner! However, this solution should not be considered in the long term but can be resolved while waiting to find a more suitable alternative.

The third places

A third place is dedicated to the collective but not only to work. These are spaces that combine several activities, for example: café, library, coworking space, shop or workshop. Rather, the third place should be considered as a way of life, which responds to a real desire to meet and exchange with others.

Hybrid work

When you start your own business, you usually start by working from home, the time you start your business. This is a way of doing things that may be suitable for some but not at all for others. Indeed, some self-employed workers have difficulty coping with loneliness and feel a real need to see the world, to leave their homes and to work in a more professional environment. Depending on your budget and your desires, you can also consider Make a mix between office and home work. Why not alternate between coworking space, home and third place, to vary the pleasures and encounters?

Flashoffice finds the best spot for you

At Flashoffice, we also listen to freelancers who need to find the best office to grow and move forward. Whether you are an accountant, artistic or commercial director, we support you in your search and we find for you a position or an office adapted to your budget and your needs. Let's talk about it!

To remember

  • There are many solutions for renting an office as a freelancer, depending on your activity and your desires: open space station, closed office in a coworking space, third place, etc.
  • You can organize your schedule in a hybrid way, with a mix between office and home.
  • Renting an office will allow you to meet new people, expand your network and breathe new life into your business.