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The guide to boost the well-being of your employees

February 22, 2024

Discover all our articles dedicated to the well-being of your employees and follow our tips to boost QWL in your company.

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Your employees are the glue that holds your company together: their offer attractive working conditions and a caring environment and user-friendly should be a priority. As an employer or HR manager, what actions can you take to improve QWL? How can you provide them with the well-being they need to thrive in your society? Discover all our tips and find our articles dedicated to the quality of life at work for employees.

Why should you be interested in the well-being of your employees?

According to 91% of employees, well-being at work is closely linked to personal happiness. Real pressure on your shoulders! The demands of employees are indeed present: 8 out of 10 consider well-being as a priority issue for companies and 1 out of 2 want their employer to take specific actions in this direction. Making your employees smile also has an impact on the growth of the company:

  • A happy employee is 31% more productive,
  • Loyalty is multiplied by 9 and absenteeism divided by 6,
  • Employees are half as sick,
  • Creativity is boosted with an increase of 55%.

Work environment and well-being

The work environment remains a key factor in the well-being of your employees. Indeed, going to a welcoming and pleasant place every morning, benefiting from comfortable and ergonomic furniture and taking advantage of friendly, bright and spacious workspaces are all points that can have an impact on their mood, on their happiness and on their productivity. So there's no question of reducing expenses on this side: your offices and their layout should remain at the top of your priorities.

The ideal office setup

The layout of an office is important to offer the employee comfort and ergonomics throughout the day. It goes through The choice of furniture (desk height, seating comfort, etc), by the equipment (double screen, helmet, etc.), by the layout (installation near a window) and by various decorative elements that can have an impact on well-being (presence of green plants, choice of colors, etc.).

The benefits of natural light

Your employees need a maximum of natural light in their office. It is indeed an essential point to better regulate their body, to provide them with a dose of well-being and to relieve their eyes and their vision. Take advantage of natural light during the day provides a better quality of sleep at night, which has a significant impact on mood and productivity. In short, the more light there is, the more the employees are in shape and smiling!

The advantages of offices with a terrace

Are you wondering if the presence of a terrace in your offices is superfluous? Not at all! It is even one of the essential points of attractiveness for your employees. During a working day, having access to a green space and/or an outdoor place is important to recharge your batteries and recharge your batteries. Employees don't always have time to take a break outside: The terrace is an opportunity for them to clear their minds. Patio, terrace, rooftop, courtyard : there are many options to give your team a breath of fresh air.

Daily actions to boost well-being

Des salariés heureux en train de manger en équipe au bureau

You got it: you have to Take care of the choice of your offices and their layout. But on a daily basis, you can also adopt a well-being policy at work by implementing small simple actions. It is up to you to offer them to your employees and to allow everyone to freely benefit from them.

The benefits of music at work

Is it necessary to work in perfect silence to be productive? Certainly not. Putting on a background music boosts memory and improves concentration. It is also a real ally for be more productive during repetitive tasks. Finally, Music at work is a source of creativity and inspiration, so why deprive yourself of it?

The benefits of sports in the office

On a daily basis, sport has numerous physical and mental health benefits. However, employees do not necessarily have time to practice it. You can offer them an alternative by organizing sports lessons directly at their workplace. By organizing a fitness class with a coach at lunchtime, for example, or by providing them with a gym on your premises, you allow them to work out, to let off steam, to reduce their stress and anxiety and to maintain excellent shape.

Work while standing or walking

A new trend straight from the United States, The walking desk goes much further than sports in the office: it's about Work standing or walking. Thanks to specific offices, employers are thus fighting against the static posture that employees adopt all day long. The walking desk allows you to stretch your legs and practice physical activity at work.

The benefits of animals in the office

“Pet at work” is also an American trend. It consists of Bring your pet to the office, a practice that would reduce the stress of employees and that would strengthen the link with the employer. Not to mention thatHave your dog with you at work is also more practical and provides the employee in question with a better balance between private and personal life.

Spotlight on team cohesion

Team cohesion is an essential pillar within a company. As an employer, it is important to make every effort to improve it on a daily basis. Indeed, a united team is more productive and this has a positive impact on turnover.

Team building

Team building includes all the fun, sporting and cultural activities that strengthen team cohesion. Within the company, it is a practice that boosts productivity and affects the well-being of employees. Team building can take place over several days, with the organization of a seminar for example, or on slots during the day.

The importance of traditions

Birthdays, end of year celebrations, Easter : traditions within the company are important to strengthen the bond between employees but also to offer them opportunities to decompress and meet in a less formal setting. It's a great way to work on your corporate culture!